Friday, March 16, 2012

How does fat but healthy?
An easy way fat but healthy and avoid illness, we must choose a balanced diet.
If you want to fatten the body, is one correct way is to increase the size of the meal and diligent drinking milk, although it should still be monitored meal portions. Should continue to avoid eating too much junk food and too high in saturated fats such as fried foods, because these foods will actually increase the intake of cholesterol in the blood that could be bad for your health. Fat but healthy, is not that what we want?

Actually, another key addition to eating a "big" the sport. Do not be afraid to exercise even more thin, because even in thin people, exercise can increase your appetite. This is because when we exercise regularly, your body becomes more active, and the more energy is expended, the greater the body's need for energy sources, namely food. That is why people often complain of increased appetite after exercise. But for skinny people, it would be a plus right? Therefore, in addition to increase the portion of food intake, try to exercise regularly. Choose exercise that you enjoy doing, whether it be swimming, jogging, or aerobics, dance classes and even can be used as sports. Perform routine, for example, three times a week. You can also visit a fitness center and ask for help the trainer to learn how to cultivate a good body, so that food intake can be treated perfectly into muscle.

Eat a lot without exercise will only increase the intake of fat, or even not "useless" at all because the food is not processed the body into muscle and energy. At a certain level of fat is essential for the body, but if too much fat can be a source of some diseases.

Currently no milk supplements to gain weight, which contain high protein. Why is not fat, but protein? Because fat is good is that to have an ideal muscle mass, so the fat does not gembyor, but toned and healthy. And protein is the nutrient that the body needs to build muscle. Thus, consumption of milk weight gain supplements, plus eat a lot, and regular exercise, undoubtedly a healthy body fat you can have.

To measure the nutritional status, in the science of nutrition. No such thing as BMI = body mass index or BMI (Body Mass Index), the way to the Weight / Height (in square meters). if measure Weight / Height you, means IMTnya is = 64/3, 0976 = 20.66. a little thin, but excluding normal anyway.

Underweight (BMI <18.5), Normal (BMI 18.5 to 25.0), Obese (BMI 25.1 to 27.0), obesity (BMI> = 27.0)

The increase in weight is usually influenced by food intake and output. if you added weight, mean intake (intake) should also be ditambah.kalo BeratBadannya with current consumption tends to remain, then feeding should be added 2xlipat from the previous portion. multiply the kinds of food from the source of carbohydrate, protein, fat, everything is in balance. so ...

 if you want to add weight should exercise. with exercise, muscle mass increases, its weight automatically added as well ...

hmm ... I have no formula which can be useful .... maybe .... (Which remains an important exercise, not the hot fat, but healthy)

Morning (breakfast):

Breakfast (up, fried rice or rice milk or chicken porridge, which is important to use the meat / chicken / egg / fish), drinking milk 1 cup

At 10.00
Eating bread, drinking a glass of milk

Nutritious lunch which as always

At 16.00:
Eating bread, drinking a glass of milk

(Preferably 1 hour before bedtime)

10 minutes before bed:
Eating bread, drinking a glass of milk

Ok,,, please try ... do a full month, God willing ... you yourselves see how much weight gain ... and you yourselves,, remains sports, ... Drinking whole milk ..
You will feel the ideal weight gain thereafter maintain that beautiful and sexy good luck

Sunday, March 11, 2012

 Career women today often are overweight because it works in the office.
Generally spends his time working woman from meeting to meeting, phone to phone, or linger in front of the computer.
Their buttocks as if imprinted on the bench. '' Sport'' the only way to the farthest work the boss room.
As a result, slim body just a memory. Not a lot of work to make moves that make the body so fat.
Here are 5 ways to restore your body's'' youth'':
A. Stay away from soft drinks and snacks
At the hour responsibility, around 15:00, we often imagine the fresh shadow of soft drinks and delicious snacks. But when the temptation is followed, so the potential gain weight.
Instead, choose yogurt, carrots with a little sauce, fresh pudding without milk and sugar. It may also crakers thin smeared with peanut butter.
2.Select healthy food in a restaurant
Now a lot of great restaurants and fast food stalls are aware of the need for a healthy diet. It was okay and safe for weight loss. Stay away from fried and fatty foods. Better is a dinner salad or soup and half sandwich portions, instead of burgers, potatoes, and spaghetti are filling.
3. Prioritize exercise
Most people think,'' Which was?'' Before and during exercise in the office. In the liver, the most promising,'' Anyway, I'll definitely, deh, I exercise after returning from the office!'' Not him, came home from work too late or have been exhausted. Finally, the promise to live the promise.
So, force the early morning exercise at lunch hour. Does not mean having to run 10 kilometers, of course. The streets about 20 minutes was enough to refresh the body.
If you happen to be assigned out of town, do not forget to bring your gym clothes. Most hotels have a gym. Remove sweat after a grueling meeting.
4. Do not let it ruin the office'' party'' diet.
Sometimes there is just a party in office. Because there is a real party or a hobby to bring cookies, tarts, and brownies.
If there is'' small'' party like this, as much as possible to avoid. If there is a real party, came later, after a tantalizing pastries demolished. Bring a bottle of mineral water instead of ice cream or a piece of bids cake which has 1,000 calories.
5. Stand up and move.
Whatever your profession, try not to stay put during office hours. When it was eventually in front of the computer, wake up. A short walk to the blood circulation.
If you've driven for hours, while at a rest stop, then shake the body. Choose the stairs instead of elevator or escalator. Take your own letters or drinks into the office kitchen instead of telling people.
Move between routine work, not only make you look slim and fit
get used to walking or climbing stairs rather than ride the elevator
May be useful

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Why Weight Fast Rise

Why your weight continues to increase.?
 Did you really eat a lot more last days? If so, it's natural weight Ananda continues to grow.

Our advice, you should be able to compensate for food intake with exercise. Logically, the fat is caused by accumulation of body fat, and fat is the body's energy reserves if one day need it

 So to reduce the energy reserves, then you must use it to move, among others, so by exercising.

Choose the Ananda enjoy doing sports activities, should also invite friends to exercise together let Ananda more excited. In addition perbanyaklah intake of fruits and vegetables, or even if possible, try to juice therapy to improve the body's metabolism is not easy to let fat.

Agencies such tips to weight stable

by Annisa

Friday, March 2, 2012

Excess fat in the body is very disturbing especially for a hard-down, here are tips for you to get rid of fat in the body.

Well, now is the time to burn their fat to achieve the perfect body you've dreamed of.
However, you must first understand that your metabolism slows down two percent for every decade of your life after age 20. This means that your body burns calories more slowly every year. The first thing to consider if you really want to achieve more rapid weight loss is to be careful with your calorie intake.
In the meantime, you probably ask yourself many times, "How to burn fat fast?" Well, there are several different ways to easily burn the fat in a short time. As such, however, requires a lot of determination and consistency.
You also have to find the best solution possible that you may be able to compete with. To find a quality weight loss program is best for you, ask yourself first what you enjoy most. Know that a certain very important when you want to lose weight.
One quick way to burn fat is by eating a balanced diet. Eating healthy foods will not only help you lose weight but also to promote optimal health in your body.
Reduce your carbohydrate intake by eliminating the only white bread and white sugar in your diet. By greatly reducing your carbohydrate intake, you are helping your body to burn fat faster. In addition, your energy will also increase because you will give your body fit and sexy less sugar.stay
Water therapy is an affordable solution to help you burn fat faster. Some people say that if you drink cold water, can help you lose weight easily because your body must burn calories to heat the water to body temperature.
In my own opinion, drinking water often will make you feel bloated that will help you maintain your hunger. Water also helps you rid your body of toxins brought on by bad chemicals from the food we eat.
Reduce your calorie intake, however, must be combined with proper exercise. Exercising is the best way to release all the toxins in your body and burn fat faster. they asked, "Did I really lose weight fast do physical exercise?"
Well, the sport may seem hard for most of us, especially if you are in the process of aging. On the other hand, increasing the amount of exercise you get your body will help you to lose weight and feel better.
Stay away from stress. There are instances when a person feels depressed, he would resort to bingeing and eventually lead to getting a lot of extra fat in their bodies. In addition, stress can produce toxins in the body that can affect your health condition.
When problems set in, try to avoid them by turning your attention to productive activities such as sports, gardening and some other activities that are not only going to use your body, but also improve your cognitive development.
We all know that losing weight requires a lot of conscious effort to reach as quickly as we can. However, by making some small changes, you will soon see great results.
Remember the diet will not work without exercise immediately do