Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ways to shrink belly fat
potbelly is very disturbing and makes us feel less confident here are tips for those who have belly fat

Is there a way to shrink the stomach that works naturally or could I reduce excess fat around the abdominal area. It may often appear to mind all of us, because "belly fat" could be making us less Pede in the appearance of daily life. On the other hand it also adds that the less your body healthy and not as it should.

Is there a danger of fat in the stomach?
The belly fat is often called "visceral fat". These fats are dangerous because it is metabolized by the liver which converts it into cholesterol and circulates through the blood. This is a dangerous build up of plaque over time resulting in a narrowing of blood vessels. The higher levels of visceral / abdominal fat you have, the more likely you are suffering from heart disease, diabetes, stroke and hypertension.

What causes belly fat?
- Lack of physical activity, poor lifestyle.
- Program the wrong diet, consume a disproportionate calories and without exercise.

Other factors:
- Stress hormones
- Genetics
- Smoking

Then how do I shrink the stomach and remove excess fat?
Sports that directly target the stomach like sit-ups actually less effective to shrink the stomach.

Combination of aerobic exercise and strength training is important.
Aerobic Exercise # is:
exercise for the heart
-> 30 minutes to an hour per day of cardio (heart) is good enough. If you incorporate these exercises into your daily routine then you are better.
Walking to and from work each 20-30 minute walk or bike ride is the best way to get a quick trim and healthy

- Jogging> is the right choice and also a good way to relieve stress. Whatever you do, once you find the type of aerobic training that you enjoy, then you will never want to stop.

# Exercise is Strength:
- Muscle: The increase will boost your metabolism and burn fat much more efficiently

-Remember, strength training for women does not mean you'll build muscle like men. Women have different portions and the purpose of course to keep bones strong and take care of appearance.

-Exercise the abdominal area will give a good shape and flatter stomach, just not as visually effective if the fat in the abdominal area has not been reduced or have not achieved ideal body weight.

I shrink the stomach through a portion of food:
- Eating a balanced diet without really "diet" is the recommended way. The way this is something that you can incorporate into your lifestyle so that your regular eating habits into good routines.
- Eat plenty of vegetables
- Eat> bread made from wheat, brown rice or can be known a lot of fiber and good for a healthy digestive system and regular
> When increasing your intake of whole grain like brown rice, make sure you do not ignore your intake of good fats, because they are also needed. Add a little olive oil to brown rice to eat or attached

* If you are biking, walking or jogging BEFORE breakfast, you will convert fat into energy. If possible you can have breakfast after arriving at the office.

* Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to cleanse your body system. It will also help to control your appetite

Reduce stress:
- A good diet and regular exercise can prevent you from excessive stress attacks.

Consistently do the kind of exercise will help to shrink your stomach. Efforts to reduce abdominal fat such as this should continue to be our good lifestyle. Not hard, was it? Not always shrink the stomach through a painful process.

With patience you can do it.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Tips to lose weight
 Very difficult to lose weight, so many people become desperate and do anything in order to reduce their weight

.Not an easy thing to lose weight! ", That's the usual comments we hear. All things must be difficult if we do not know how and its direction. Therefore to lose weight we also have to understand how.

There are some great tips for you to run, but here does not include needle play scales to fall Laughing

1. Reduce carbohydrates (rice, bread, etc.) and avoid fats (fried foods, coconut milk).

 But do not you eliminate carbohydrates from your eating because your body needs carbs still, just not too much.

2. For those of you eating from 3 to 6 times a day.Huh? How? Of course you have to make a half portion of each meal. Then three additional between meals is not necessary to use rice, but the fruit or non-fat milk

3. Avoid sugar in your drinks!Drinks that bring most troops are sugar soft drinks. It is advisable not to drink it again. Always ask for mineral water if you're eating out. Occasional sweet tea for relief is still not right.

4. Most recent meal 2-3 hours before bedtimeBecause the fat began to be stacked when you sleep, and if you eat before bed it will become easy targets for fat deposition. If you are hungry, it's better to drink only non-fat milk or WRP or something.

5. No more fried foods, replace it with a grilled or poachedBut be careful, usually grilled chicken spread with oil. At best, you said once to a cook, so do not use oil.

6. Cardio exercise (jogging, running, swimming, jump rope, treadmill)This kind will make you burn the fat that accumulates with success. Perform the routine every day

7. Beautiful morning for practicePractice in the morning would be more effective, because your stomach is empty and of course the main combustion will take from your fat.

8. A healthy walkTry you can walk if the distance is not too far away. Or when there is a choice between an escalator or stairs, choose the stairs! Unless of course the mall there is usually only an escalator, but you can outsmart your continued walking on the escalator.

9. Take breaksA good resting time is 8 hours a day. Do not over do less.

10. Enjoy your lifeSet all your diet and exercise so enjoyable, so there will not be a yo-yo dieting (weight sometimes up sometimes down). If you enjoy a healthy lifestyle you are new, certainly not until you get bored

Sometimes you feel hopeless, but keep trying for the good in your life.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

 Now do not worry about health issues because of the many ways that can be done to overcome them

all concerned about health problems like heart disease or cancer. But sometimes, the effort that we do to avoid it is far from expectations.
No need to think complicated, simple and quick things you can do to keep yourself healthy and relaxed. Here, given the way the Third Age to improve your health in a time of 1 minute or less.
Hugging coupleNew research shows that the more you feel comfortable with your partner, then you give a greater feeling of relaxation to the body and mind. Feeling comfortable is to be had from hugging each other to make love.
A recent study in Psychosomatic Medicine showed proof. For every time making out, cortisol, a hormone released during stress, the body is reduced approximately 7 percent.
Eating chocolateStill feeling guilty about munching chocolate? No need, because, according to a recent study at Northumbria University, UK, rich cocoa flavanols that help increase blood flow to the brain. Chocolate is also rich in flavonoids, which help the body repair the damage there and fight toxins, improve memory, fight fatigue, and assist the body in the duties of a mental challenge.
Listen to musicNext time you find yourself in a stressful situation, pairs of headphones to listen to favorite songs. According to a recent study at the Cleveland Clinic, music can lower blood pressure and stress levels.
LaughWhen stress comes, laughter really the best medicine. Laughter is able to increase energy, reduce pain, improve immune function, and relieve tension.
"Get that silly screen saver. Rent a funny movie when you get home. Stop thinking about things too seriously!," Says Alice Domar Ph.D., director of the Mind / Body Center for Women's Health at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center .
Brisk walking with a pet dogMan's best friend is more than just a companion of his life today, but also pets. "Brisk walking or fast walking around the block your home is a great form of exercise for the legs, also increases serotonin and dopamine, the nerve transmitter that is pleasant and soothing," says Blair Justice, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Texas School of Public Health.
Taking a deep breathImprove the health and happiness simply by breathing deeply. Breathing benefits the digestive process improvement, fitness, and mental health to improve the energy and relaxation.
Eating an appleThis nutrient-rich fruit is a major asset to any diet. Apples are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and flavonoids, apple help support cardiovascular health, and keep the bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body under control.
SmileAccording to a recent study at Columbia University, a smile can fight stress. When you feel the nervous tension and anxiety attacks, take time to rest and smiling.
"If you can slow the rate of respiration and alters the expression, you can eliminate stress," explains Mark Stibich PhD, a consultant at Columbia University.
Start the day with flowersWhile the daily routine can reduce energy levels and our views about life even before the weekend arrives, the study showed that the rate be the answer. According to a recent study at Rutgers University, promising flower longevity, energy and positive effects on mood, it can even reduce depression and anxiety. Looking at the colorful flowers or smell FRAGRANT certainly brings a sense of calm.Do something positive to please others, give attention to anyone and you will surely receive the same

Sunday, April 29, 2012


would naturally slim? really easy way, from routine and painstaking
The first
wrote an orange juice, 2 sm eucalyptus oil, tea and 1 sPON TEA whiting. Take the water squeezed lime juice, mixed with whiting and eucalyptus oil until it becomes a dough. mixture was rubbed onto the stomach or part of the body that would SLIM until smooth, let it dry and when dry cover with a corset or KORSET that potion fell ill and was warm in the body.

, a cup of tea BLACK , drink before bedtime.

, if the  dislike tea, can be replaced with kencur, peeled, grated and squeezed the water .... drink before bed ....
do regularly
, guaranteed visible results .... 1 month ...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Food for increase Hemoglobin

If you feel tired, and not powered, it is a sign of deficiency of red blood cells or HEMOGLOBIN

Hemoglobin is metaloprotein (iron-containing protein) in red blood cells that functions as a carrier of oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Not only that, hemoglobin also plays an important role in maintaining the shape of red blood cells.

As is known, decreased number of red blood cells are serious problems that may be a sign of anemia, infection, or even bleeding. Given the functions and duties of hemoglobin is very vital, there are some things you can do to maintain healthy hemoglobin.

The way is easy and simple, by taking some of these foods, such as the  in healthmeup page:

* Red meat: While red meat these days often gets a bad reputation. But the iron-rich foods may help increase levels of hemoglobin in your blood. Red meat is high in heme iron, which can be easily absorbed by the body. But remember, excessive consumption of red meat can lead to the development of heart disease. A balanced diet is the key.

* Vegetables: Beetroot, spinach, peas, cabbage, turnips, potatoes and cauliflower are the vegetables as well as a natural remedy to increase the amount of blood, he has the ability to regenerate iron and activate the red blood cells, supplies fresh oxygen to the blood.

* Fruits: Fruits such as raisins, prunes, dried figs, apricots, apples, grapes and melon not only helps the red blood cells to flow but also increases the amount of blood. In fact, a variety of citrus fruit products are also believed to be able to attract iron.

* Nuts: Most nuts contain iron in it, although there are several kinds of nuts who do not have it. Of all the existing types of nuts, almonds are the type that has the highest iron content. One ounce of almonds a day provides at least 6 percent of the iron requirement.

* Bread, Pasta, Cereals: Check the label on the packaging of wheat bread, pasta, and cereals that you buy. Each packet must contain 20 percent or more of the daily value of iron intake. Wheat offers many health benefits that everyone should try to put it into the daily diet, due to high iron content in it.

You quickly multiply on food so you feel healthy and energetic

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


If you want to be thin for life no way

things will happen if you are determined to do it
Diets that do not always get results in line with expectations. Sometimes we're on a diet themselves to death, but obtained only feel tormented by hunger. "Actually there are many ways you can do to lose weight without excessive hunger," said July Triharto, Mind Slimming expert, in the event organized by Dewi Sri Spa in Brass, Jakarta, some time ago.

July recommend to change the mindset and the subconscious to help reduce weight, without the need to diet torture.

A. Stop emotional eating
To get a slim body, there was no need to hold hunger. "The appetite of normal people encounter, it did not need restraint," said July.

But the rules do not eat three meals a day should be avoided, or arrested, because it will damage the body's metabolism. July according to emotional eating is actually held, the point where you feel like eating because of stress or emotional attacks. Emotional eating is also often the case when you hear the artisan food vendors that pass near the house.

2. Avoid snacking
Too much snacking can be detrimental, because too many calories into the body. Moreover, if it is done without a balanced exercise. To get a slim body, reduce this snacking habit. Avoid snack foods while watching television, playing games, or working at the computer, because it turns out this activity while snacking can make you unable to control the amount of food you consume. Then you unconsciously to eat it in a short time, and tend to look extra sweet and savory snacks other.

3. Increase metabolism
Accumulation of fat in some parts of the body is actually a way that carried the body to maintain metabolism. Metabolic processes are smooth and well it can help the body to avoid the accumulation of food reserves in the form of fat cells. "The reduction in metabolism is one of them caused by frequent hunger and strict diet," he said.

Eat a variety of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables full of vitamins and fiber. Meet the nutritional needs balanced with the right portion, to avoid being overweight. "Thus the body's metabolism will not react counterproductive to maintain the body's metabolism of the disease, so the body's metabolism becomes smooth and slim," he said.

4. Perform a fun sport
Sports other than to nourish the body can also help the body to form a slender body. If you are not someone who likes to exercise, just do some fun activity for you. "If you do not like to exercise in the gym, just do some work that could make you happy and do homework," he advised.

For example, do the house cleaning activities such as sweeping or mopping the floor. These activities can be categorized as a sport for the whole body may move actively and also produce sweat. However, it is best to do it with a relaxed mind, a happy heart, and with no load.

5. Do five "magic rules"
Slim body will not be achieved if the subconscious mind can not accept this slimming program. Once successful, it usually will not last long. "To get a slim body permanently, should we adjust our thinking to this slimming program," he said. July.

July revealed there are five basic rules that must be understood in order to streamline the body via the method of slimming or hypnoslimming mind, that is to eat when hungry, eat the food you want, eat consciously, stopped eating after neutral, and multiply step foot in one day.

6. Love yourself
"Every person is created good, and all things that exist in your body unite together to give life. So thank your body," he said.

Whatever body shape you have, accept and love your body completely. This acceptance can make you more positive and motivated to get a slim body without having to torture yourself with the help feeling hungry or taking slimming drugs

of course you will feel happy to get into shape and healthy .. good running tips

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Keeping Metabolism Diet
UNDERSTANDING not limited to diet to lose weight. Regular diet is central to the program. Like what exactly?
Hear the word diet, shadows get pushed instantly slim body. In fact, not limited to diet to lose weight. In principle, if a person's diet at applying a specific diet.
For example, people with diabetes will implement the diet with low sugar levels. Expected to undergo a diet like this can keep blood sugar within normal limits. Patients with renal impairment can also be applied to reduce the intake of dietary protein.
In addition to diet to lose weight like the ones you hear, diet also serves to raise the weight to achieve the ideal body weight. As did Miss Indonesia 2007 Kamidia Radisti (Disti). This beautiful girl on a diet with the aim of raising the weight to achieve the ideal body weight.
Tracing back the struggle in the Miss World 2007 in order to wear the clothes and fuller body, Disti "obliged" to raise the weight 2-3 kg more. "My body including hard to ride. Then need to work hard to achieve your ideal weight," the story of the couple's daughter and Ermin Sulistyowatie Djohar Malingan this.
Towards the Miss World 2007, held late last year, since September this Disti physical training and strict diet. Besides swimming, Disti regularly consuming milk protein.
In addition, the girl born in Surabaya, February 23, 1984, was on the diet by increasing consumption of vegetables and do not forget to increase the intake of supplements. In each meal menu, he will not miss the green vegetables, both raw and processed. Applying such a dietary pattern that was effective to raise the weight as much as 2 kg. "In addition to weight gain, muscle is also more established," said the enthusiasts of this pool.
According to the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Hospital Gatot Subroto Army Hospital from Dr. Natalia Emmy SpGK, the composition of food affects the body's metabolism. Normal diet consists of "four perfectly healthy 5" must be consumed every day. "This diet should be balanced. That is, not only eat certain foods from the food composition of the filling and ignore others that should be required of the body," said Natalia.
This is called balance nutrition are carbohydrates (60-70%), protein (15-20%), and the remaining fat. The third substance called macronutrient.
If there is an imbalance or excess in one of the components resulted in the body susceptible to illness. Bowel disorders , gastrointestinal and cardiac stalking them with a poor diet. This is related to impaired metabolism in the body.
Macronutrient and micronutrient support each other and it is important to maintain metabolism in body . micronutrients consisting of vitamins and minerals. "To live a healthy life balance should be applied every time nutrition foods," advises an alumnus of the University of Indonesia. For example, a kilo of fruit eating carbohydrates, but protein and fat content are also important not fulfilled.
Natalia added, to maintain ideal body weight have to eat a balanced diet with calorie needs. Therefore, each individual has different caloric needs vary.
How many levels of calories needed by the body depends on age, activity, weight, height, sex, and condition  basal levels of calories according to the formula basal caloric needs.
The results of the calculation of basal levels of calories, then be increased or decreased according to the circumstances of each individual.
"Because the basal caloric requirement of calories when the body does not move. In a sense, the caloric content to the needs of organ," said a doctor who also practices in Siloams Hospitals. The results are applied to the calculation of calories in food intake according to the recommended composition.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Having an ideal weight ideal course for everyone, both men and women, because it will affect confidence, especially in terms of appearance.
Not everyone has an ideal body weight because there are several different factors that affect it, there is a gift from the descendants or a diet that is not in the guard did not lead to an ideal weight.
For that to overcome this, this time we will give you a little infoe Tips To Lose Weight In the course naturally, without drugs are now rife. Please read carefully the following tips to get maximum results.
Here are ways to lose weight naturally:
A. Drinking WaterThe simplest way is to drink water at least 2 liters of water / day. Because water helps your body's metabolic processes in the way of converting food into energy needed. Here water also plays a very important as a fuel to drive metabolic reactions. So if you do not drink water, then you can not burn calories.
2. SportsSports did not become common again as the most credible in terms of losing weight. So out ragalah regularly to keep the body healthy condition.
3. FoodFrom some research on foods that can help you lose weight, experts have said that there are some foods that are proven to be a useful food for weight loss. The food is grapes, sardines, pumpkin, eating beef and drinking green tea.
4. Say no to AlcoholOne way to reduce consumption of unwanted calories is to reduce alcohol drinking. Most of desire to drink alcohol because of the perception generated by the alcohol in the form of taste and relaxation effect. But that is not widely known is that drinking can also be caused by thirst and hunger. Maintaining hydration and not go to a bar or restaurant very hungry can suppress alcohol intake.
5. Familiarize BreakfastBreakfast is often not trusted as a way to lose weight, but it was also useful breakfast to lose weight. If your breakfast in the morning, you can reduce your consumption of lunch. Enough bananas, yogurt, cereal, bread and others for snacks that contain plenty of fiber and protein will give you a sense of satiety until it was time for lunch.* If you like drinking tea, mild green tea every day which can help you burn about 70 calories more a day.* If you like drinking milk, you should not select a full cream. Have a drink consumption of low fat milk.
6. Eat slowly in a wayKunyalah your food until it is completely pulverized your mouth and drink mineral water after each chewing
7. Use a smaller plateTo avoid you take large amounts of food then use a smaller plate. You'll feel full with less food.
8. Limit carbohydratesFoods high in protein, such as fish, is the best dinner option to control body weight. This is because protein keeps you full longer. If you want to eat carbs, avoid simple, because it is more likely to be stored as fat rather than used as energy.

If you eat that contain carbohydrates (rice) should not be mixed with a protein (dagung / fish). But eat along with the vegetables.
Size max 6 tablespoons rice, and for meat / fish meal once a piece is kira2 wrote.
Do not eat over at 7 pm.
Do not eat food preservation / canned, try to multiply the fruits and vegetables
Every morning I wake up drink a glass of water plus 1 piece of lemon.
Eating breakfast may only be the fruit / oatmeal, if not resistant to nyemil fruit slices at 10 am.

That little tips, hopefully bermanfaar for you and you can have a weight that you desire.

Friday, March 16, 2012

How does fat but healthy?
An easy way fat but healthy and avoid illness, we must choose a balanced diet.
If you want to fatten the body, is one correct way is to increase the size of the meal and diligent drinking milk, although it should still be monitored meal portions. Should continue to avoid eating too much junk food and too high in saturated fats such as fried foods, because these foods will actually increase the intake of cholesterol in the blood that could be bad for your health. Fat but healthy, is not that what we want?

Actually, another key addition to eating a "big" the sport. Do not be afraid to exercise even more thin, because even in thin people, exercise can increase your appetite. This is because when we exercise regularly, your body becomes more active, and the more energy is expended, the greater the body's need for energy sources, namely food. That is why people often complain of increased appetite after exercise. But for skinny people, it would be a plus right? Therefore, in addition to increase the portion of food intake, try to exercise regularly. Choose exercise that you enjoy doing, whether it be swimming, jogging, or aerobics, dance classes and even can be used as sports. Perform routine, for example, three times a week. You can also visit a fitness center and ask for help the trainer to learn how to cultivate a good body, so that food intake can be treated perfectly into muscle.

Eat a lot without exercise will only increase the intake of fat, or even not "useless" at all because the food is not processed the body into muscle and energy. At a certain level of fat is essential for the body, but if too much fat can be a source of some diseases.

Currently no milk supplements to gain weight, which contain high protein. Why is not fat, but protein? Because fat is good is that to have an ideal muscle mass, so the fat does not gembyor, but toned and healthy. And protein is the nutrient that the body needs to build muscle. Thus, consumption of milk weight gain supplements, plus eat a lot, and regular exercise, undoubtedly a healthy body fat you can have.

To measure the nutritional status, in the science of nutrition. No such thing as BMI = body mass index or BMI (Body Mass Index), the way to the Weight / Height (in square meters). if measure Weight / Height you, means IMTnya is = 64/3, 0976 = 20.66. a little thin, but excluding normal anyway.

Underweight (BMI <18.5), Normal (BMI 18.5 to 25.0), Obese (BMI 25.1 to 27.0), obesity (BMI> = 27.0)

The increase in weight is usually influenced by food intake and output. if you added weight, mean intake (intake) should also be ditambah.kalo BeratBadannya with current consumption tends to remain, then feeding should be added 2xlipat from the previous portion. multiply the kinds of food from the source of carbohydrate, protein, fat, everything is in balance. so ...

 if you want to add weight should exercise. with exercise, muscle mass increases, its weight automatically added as well ...

hmm ... I have no formula which can be useful .... maybe .... (Which remains an important exercise, not the hot fat, but healthy)

Morning (breakfast):

Breakfast (up, fried rice or rice milk or chicken porridge, which is important to use the meat / chicken / egg / fish), drinking milk 1 cup

At 10.00
Eating bread, drinking a glass of milk

Nutritious lunch which as always

At 16.00:
Eating bread, drinking a glass of milk

(Preferably 1 hour before bedtime)

10 minutes before bed:
Eating bread, drinking a glass of milk

Ok,,, please try ... do a full month, God willing ... you yourselves see how much weight gain ... and you yourselves,, remains sports, ... Drinking whole milk ..
You will feel the ideal weight gain thereafter maintain that beautiful and sexy good luck

Sunday, March 11, 2012

 Career women today often are overweight because it works in the office.
Generally spends his time working woman from meeting to meeting, phone to phone, or linger in front of the computer.
Their buttocks as if imprinted on the bench. '' Sport'' the only way to the farthest work the boss room.
As a result, slim body just a memory. Not a lot of work to make moves that make the body so fat.
Here are 5 ways to restore your body's'' youth'':
A. Stay away from soft drinks and snacks
At the hour responsibility, around 15:00, we often imagine the fresh shadow of soft drinks and delicious snacks. But when the temptation is followed, so the potential gain weight.
Instead, choose yogurt, carrots with a little sauce, fresh pudding without milk and sugar. It may also crakers thin smeared with peanut butter.
2.Select healthy food in a restaurant
Now a lot of great restaurants and fast food stalls are aware of the need for a healthy diet. It was okay and safe for weight loss. Stay away from fried and fatty foods. Better is a dinner salad or soup and half sandwich portions, instead of burgers, potatoes, and spaghetti are filling.
3. Prioritize exercise
Most people think,'' Which was?'' Before and during exercise in the office. In the liver, the most promising,'' Anyway, I'll definitely, deh, I exercise after returning from the office!'' Not him, came home from work too late or have been exhausted. Finally, the promise to live the promise.
So, force the early morning exercise at lunch hour. Does not mean having to run 10 kilometers, of course. The streets about 20 minutes was enough to refresh the body.
If you happen to be assigned out of town, do not forget to bring your gym clothes. Most hotels have a gym. Remove sweat after a grueling meeting.
4. Do not let it ruin the office'' party'' diet.
Sometimes there is just a party in office. Because there is a real party or a hobby to bring cookies, tarts, and brownies.
If there is'' small'' party like this, as much as possible to avoid. If there is a real party, came later, after a tantalizing pastries demolished. Bring a bottle of mineral water instead of ice cream or a piece of bids cake which has 1,000 calories.
5. Stand up and move.
Whatever your profession, try not to stay put during office hours. When it was eventually in front of the computer, wake up. A short walk to the blood circulation.
If you've driven for hours, while at a rest stop, then shake the body. Choose the stairs instead of elevator or escalator. Take your own letters or drinks into the office kitchen instead of telling people.
Move between routine work, not only make you look slim and fit
get used to walking or climbing stairs rather than ride the elevator
May be useful

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Why Weight Fast Rise

Why your weight continues to increase.?
 Did you really eat a lot more last days? If so, it's natural weight Ananda continues to grow.

Our advice, you should be able to compensate for food intake with exercise. Logically, the fat is caused by accumulation of body fat, and fat is the body's energy reserves if one day need it

 So to reduce the energy reserves, then you must use it to move, among others, so by exercising.

Choose the Ananda enjoy doing sports activities, should also invite friends to exercise together let Ananda more excited. In addition perbanyaklah intake of fruits and vegetables, or even if possible, try to juice therapy to improve the body's metabolism is not easy to let fat.

Agencies such tips to weight stable

by Annisa

Friday, March 2, 2012

Excess fat in the body is very disturbing especially for a hard-down, here are tips for you to get rid of fat in the body.

Well, now is the time to burn their fat to achieve the perfect body you've dreamed of.
However, you must first understand that your metabolism slows down two percent for every decade of your life after age 20. This means that your body burns calories more slowly every year. The first thing to consider if you really want to achieve more rapid weight loss is to be careful with your calorie intake.
In the meantime, you probably ask yourself many times, "How to burn fat fast?" Well, there are several different ways to easily burn the fat in a short time. As such, however, requires a lot of determination and consistency.
You also have to find the best solution possible that you may be able to compete with. To find a quality weight loss program is best for you, ask yourself first what you enjoy most. Know that a certain very important when you want to lose weight.
One quick way to burn fat is by eating a balanced diet. Eating healthy foods will not only help you lose weight but also to promote optimal health in your body.
Reduce your carbohydrate intake by eliminating the only white bread and white sugar in your diet. By greatly reducing your carbohydrate intake, you are helping your body to burn fat faster. In addition, your energy will also increase because you will give your body fit and sexy less sugar.stay
Water therapy is an affordable solution to help you burn fat faster. Some people say that if you drink cold water, can help you lose weight easily because your body must burn calories to heat the water to body temperature.
In my own opinion, drinking water often will make you feel bloated that will help you maintain your hunger. Water also helps you rid your body of toxins brought on by bad chemicals from the food we eat.
Reduce your calorie intake, however, must be combined with proper exercise. Exercising is the best way to release all the toxins in your body and burn fat faster. they asked, "Did I really lose weight fast do physical exercise?"
Well, the sport may seem hard for most of us, especially if you are in the process of aging. On the other hand, increasing the amount of exercise you get your body will help you to lose weight and feel better.
Stay away from stress. There are instances when a person feels depressed, he would resort to bingeing and eventually lead to getting a lot of extra fat in their bodies. In addition, stress can produce toxins in the body that can affect your health condition.
When problems set in, try to avoid them by turning your attention to productive activities such as sports, gardening and some other activities that are not only going to use your body, but also improve your cognitive development.
We all know that losing weight requires a lot of conscious effort to reach as quickly as we can. However, by making some small changes, you will soon see great results.
Remember the diet will not work without exercise immediately do

Thursday, February 23, 2012

 How can three family members slim down to half their body weight without even trying?

 With the help of an appetite control hormone called leptin, new research suggests.

Leptin, from the Greek "leptos" meaning thin, strives to live up to its name. The hunger hormone "has far-reaching physiological effects on both food intake and energy expenditure," says Dr. Steven Heymsfield, a professor of medicine at Columbia University in New York City.

Manufactured in the fat cells, leptin tells the brain whether the body has sufficient energy stores, or fat. The hormone sends satiety signals to the hypothalmus — the brain's eating control center — and tells us when we can stop eating, explains Dr. Julio Licinio, a professor of psychiatry and medicine at the University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine.

Everyone possesses leptin. Everyone except for Bayrum Donsek, Elif Fakili, and Zeynep Fakili. These three cousins from Turkey are the only known adults in the world to possess the genetic mutation that renders them leptin-deficient — and the consequences have been devastating.

In the absence of leptin, the brain never receives the message that the body has sufficient food, believing it to be in a constant state of starvation. For this reason, the Turkish family members have demonstrated voracious appetites, eating and eating themselves up to weights ranging from 235 pounds to more than 300 pounds, yet never feeling full.

Licinio flew the relatives from their isolated village to the University of California Los Angeles to participate in clinical trials funded by the National Institutes of Health. Everyday for the past 10 months, the cousins have received leptin injections while researchers have tracked every system in their bodies to record the effects of the hormone injections.

The results have been dramatic. So dramatic that the same individuals who required two seats each for their journey to America will soon return home in the regular one seat each.

The researchers did not instruct the subjects to eat more or less of anything, but because leptin affects appetite, explains Licino, the subjects' spontaneously began to feel much less hungry.

In addition, leptin stimulates physical activity, so their activity levels increased as well, continues Licinio. They began to slowly lose weight, and over time, the weight just kept dropping off — half of it gone in less than one year.

The Perfect Subjects

When researchers at Rockefeller University in 1995 injected fat mice with leptin, they became miraculously skinny. The discovery of leptin, it was believed, was the magic bullet, the entry to weight loss nirvana.

Except to every dieter's dismay, it didn't quite work the same way in humans as it had in animals.

This is because most people already have varying degrees of leptin. "Many hormones like leptin, when given in excess, have no discernible effect on the body, so it is hard to tell what the hormone really does," Licinio told ABCNEWS correspondent, Dr. Nancy Snyderman.

The only way to unlock the mystery of leptin and its role in weight control was to start from scratch, and find people who had no leptin at all. The Turkish cousins were the medical version of hitting the jackpot. They were the ideal research subjects.

"These patients, because they have no leptin of their own, have allowed us to see the real effects of the hormone when it is given," says Licinio.

The absence of leptin is an extremely rare cause of obesity, "but at the same time, studying these subjects will help us to understand how leptin regulates body weight in humans," explains Dr. Louis Aronne, clinical professor of medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University and director of the New York Presbyterian Hospital Comprehensive Weight Control Program.

Licinio hopes that, future research will discover ways to increase obese people's sensitivity to leptin, or possibly discover new drugs that are similar to, but more potent than, the leptin available

abc news
TIPS TO ELIMINATE blackened scar
sometimes difficult wounds leave scars that persist in the skin is lost and thus interfere with performance

Indeed, in patients with diabetes (who have blood sugar levels higher than normal), the obstacles they face is the difficulty always occurs when blood clots are open wounds, which then can cause injury to rot.

skin type is easy to imprint. Possible production of high melanin because melanin is generally much more is produced at our sores (caused by acne, for example). Some people do have "talent", as well as talent keloid formation in some people in the world.
. But the scars can be camouflaged really slowly (and over time will be lost as well), when the skin change smoothly. Now keep in mind is, what it inhibits the normal process of change of skin?

 Among other things, the lack of moisture, both skin and body.
Drink plenty of water will keep your skin moist and healthy, so that the skin will turn more smoothly. Do not forget to eat lots of fruits that contain antioxidants to your skin look brighter and not dull. Regularly, you should make peeling by scrubbing the skin to the body (using a scrub or scrub in the bath) and also the face, ONCE A WEEK MOST OFTEN.
Not too often because of a forced exfoliation will cause your skin is not healthy, and function of the skin as a 'protective outer' body will be disrupted.

If you have to move out of the house, do not forget to use sunblock.
Due to UV rays than the skin will darken, also has the potential to cause skin cancer. Apply sunscreen at least half an hour before you move out of the room, and re-use sunblock every 2 hours, or whenever the water washed (such as bathing or ablution).

Finally, body lotion or body cream that is enlightening can be used to help brighten the skin slowly. Choose a skin lightening lotion products are safe, have a registration number
 which ensures the product does not contain hazardous materials. Meanwhile, to avoid feeling inferior if the scars are visible, you can use a concealer that color of skin color for camouflage effect.

  For extra effort, you can apply aloevera to mucus meat scars, at least every day for the first week, then gradually spaced in the next few weeks (twice a week for example). Mucus meat aloevera and hereditary traditionally believed to help close the wound open (slash), and if used regularly can help remove the scar.
But be careful not to hit the yellow sap because it will feel very itchy.
please try these simple tips may help

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Replacement of traditional acne medications modern cosmetic
Some cosmetics that claim to eradicate acne seems
. Generally cosmetics that have a claim to cure acne that does contain antibacterial TCC.
  But the most important fact is that you must be able to keep the skin clean, because at a young age,hormones are very actively developed, so that if less thorough in cleaning the face, facial acne you easy.
  So should every clean your face with facial cleanser, followed by a gentle facial soap. Do not use cosmetics to linger, even though just a moisturizer / powder.
  If you have oily skin with large pores, you should avoid using moisturizer as it can clog pores, and then cause acne.

To get rid of acne traditionally, there are some recipes that we found for you to try, among others:
1) powder cinnamon stick, mix with honey and apply on acne scars every night, clean it again the next day
2) take a little honey, heated until boiling. let stand until it becomes suam2 nails, apply on the acne scars for  2hours. do every night before bed. this way can also be used to remove eczema scars, both hands and legs.
3) take the little leaves of gotu kola, mash, mix with cold powder, then  acne where every night at bedtime

Hopefully what we say can help you
Do not forget to be diligent in cleaning the face of it is a panacea for the problem and avoid cosmetic acne, it will only clog the pores of the face
Anisa greetings

Monday, February 20, 2012

If the body needs to detoxify toxins that have been detected in the blood / body.
 Naturally, the body detoksin functions performed by the liver (liver cells). Well, if these substances from the digestive / respiratory tract suction or by lack of kidney launch in exile, there is a toxin that, if not detoksification will certainly damage the cells / tissues of the body which has a holding capacity of toxic substance / toxin.

And when it happens constantly,  concentration will increase, may decrease the function of cells / tissues of the body related to the irreversible destruction - necrosis (death of cells / tissues in the human body).

Nerve cells (neurons) in the brain / spinal cord (bone marrow), heart muscle, skeletal muscle (skeletal), all of them are permanent cells, when exposed to lethal cell injury, it can not be repaired or replaced with other similar cells still healthy, because the cells of this type do not have the potential to divide ("proliferate").

 So the people who detoxification and disposal system is not working properly for whatever reason such as problems in the organs (liver and vital organs other related), or circulatory system problems or the other, so necessary detoxification procedure.

  Drug substances can have broad impact, including the three permanent cell organs earlier.
The advantage of detoxification is

1. opportunity for the body, especially

 2. tract and liver, for rest  
3., reduce stress,
4. enhance the vitality,

 5 turn blood pressure, 6 reduces blood fat
7. and lose weight. 

Here are the steps of detoxification, among others, by the way:

1. Fasting - Cheap and easy. - Do a few days. - Increase consumption of water and juice. Side effects: dehydration

 2. Diet - Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, less meat. - Can be done in a long time. Side effects: people find it difficult to meet nine servings of fruits and vegetables as well as the level of compliance difficult to achieve.  

3. Hyperthermia Therapy - Using the sauna (steam bath) to release toxins through sweat. Side effects: dehydration can occur 

. 4. Colon Therapy - colon cleaning with pure water, herbal (agents) and other cleaners. - The system, cleaning agents directly inserted into the rectum through a tube. - Can be combined with fasting. Purpose: remove remaining toxic fecal material in the folds of the digestive tract. Side effects: not dangerous if done according to procedure or too often. 

 5. Ion detox - Therapeutic foot spa with natural methods. - Easy to do, safe and comfortable.
- Stabilize and balance the cells, to optimize all functions, especially the absorption of nutrients and cleaning substances that are not desirable. Against cholesterol, and uric acid trigisid. - Build the immune system. - Beautify the skin, removes stains spots on the skin.

Such information from us, may detoxify your body  diligent hopefully healthy all the time