Monday, February 20, 2012

If the body needs to detoxify toxins that have been detected in the blood / body.
 Naturally, the body detoksin functions performed by the liver (liver cells). Well, if these substances from the digestive / respiratory tract suction or by lack of kidney launch in exile, there is a toxin that, if not detoksification will certainly damage the cells / tissues of the body which has a holding capacity of toxic substance / toxin.

And when it happens constantly,  concentration will increase, may decrease the function of cells / tissues of the body related to the irreversible destruction - necrosis (death of cells / tissues in the human body).

Nerve cells (neurons) in the brain / spinal cord (bone marrow), heart muscle, skeletal muscle (skeletal), all of them are permanent cells, when exposed to lethal cell injury, it can not be repaired or replaced with other similar cells still healthy, because the cells of this type do not have the potential to divide ("proliferate").

 So the people who detoxification and disposal system is not working properly for whatever reason such as problems in the organs (liver and vital organs other related), or circulatory system problems or the other, so necessary detoxification procedure.

  Drug substances can have broad impact, including the three permanent cell organs earlier.
The advantage of detoxification is

1. opportunity for the body, especially

 2. tract and liver, for rest  
3., reduce stress,
4. enhance the vitality,

 5 turn blood pressure, 6 reduces blood fat
7. and lose weight. 

Here are the steps of detoxification, among others, by the way:

1. Fasting - Cheap and easy. - Do a few days. - Increase consumption of water and juice. Side effects: dehydration

 2. Diet - Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, less meat. - Can be done in a long time. Side effects: people find it difficult to meet nine servings of fruits and vegetables as well as the level of compliance difficult to achieve.  

3. Hyperthermia Therapy - Using the sauna (steam bath) to release toxins through sweat. Side effects: dehydration can occur 

. 4. Colon Therapy - colon cleaning with pure water, herbal (agents) and other cleaners. - The system, cleaning agents directly inserted into the rectum through a tube. - Can be combined with fasting. Purpose: remove remaining toxic fecal material in the folds of the digestive tract. Side effects: not dangerous if done according to procedure or too often. 

 5. Ion detox - Therapeutic foot spa with natural methods. - Easy to do, safe and comfortable.
- Stabilize and balance the cells, to optimize all functions, especially the absorption of nutrients and cleaning substances that are not desirable. Against cholesterol, and uric acid trigisid. - Build the immune system. - Beautify the skin, removes stains spots on the skin.

Such information from us, may detoxify your body  diligent hopefully healthy all the time

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