Saturday, February 4, 2012

Unique Facts About Cholesterol

It turned out that one type of fat that exist in our body has the unique things that you might not know! Cholesterol, how deep your knowledge about cholesterol? Facts about cholesterol
Here we write down the unique things about cholesterol:

1. Did you know that our bodies make some cholesterol itself, apart from what we eat
2. Cholesterol only comes from foods derived from animal products. Foods from plants (vegetable) does not contain cholesterol, unless some unsaturated fatty acids.
3.  in your mind how to travel in the blood cholesterol? Cholesterol can not travel in the blood itself. It is carried by special proteins. Combination carriers of cholesterol and proteins are called "lipoproteins."
4. Cholesterol is not always bad for the body, in fact there is good cholesterol to the body! Yes, some people  that cholesterol should be avoided and so, in fact there is cholesterol that is useful for the body. This type of cholesterol is known to us as:
* Low density lipoproteins (LDL, or "bad" cholesterol)
* High-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good" cholesterol)
* Triglycerides

The following simple explanation: LDL (bad cholesterol) because it has some characteristics of the liver and then send it to the cells when they are not needed to get there. While HDL remove excess cholesterol from the blood and carried to the liver. person's total cholesterol is a combination of LDL and HDL cholesterol (HDL + LDL).
5. Our body produces cholesterol itself more than enough to stay healthy. But in reality, most people eat too much cholesterol and fat, which can increase blood cholesterol levels.
6. High levels of cholesterol can cause heart disease. Cholesterol together with hypertension are two risk factors the primary cause.
7. How LDL can cause a stroke? Excess LDL cholesterol in the blood will be stored in the arteries, blood vessels that "feed" the heart and brain. These deposits can be joined with other substances to form plaques. Imagine plaque is something that is thick and hard in the blood vessels. plaque in the arteries is called atherosclerosis in medical science. Atelosklerosis can narrow alley in the arteries (just imagine a clogged hose) this will stem the flow of blood, plaque rupture over time and if the plaque is going to the brain causes a stroke.
8. Women produce good cholesterol higher than men.
You already know about the facts  If you want to know about the causes and symptoms of cholesterol symptoms of high cholesterol eat your heart keep careful

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